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Project: Social App Case Study

Client: Amazon Kindle


My Role: UX Designer 
(Visual Design Lead, Ideation, Wireframing, User Flows, Prototype, Usability Testing, Mockups, and Presentation.)




Users who read electronically need to have a social chat feature on Kindle because they enjoy discussing ideas and sharing reading

recommendations and they are not able to do so using their device.



Users need a “Reading Profile” to organize all their annotations, highlights, quotes, recommendations and create a group to share their ideas and connect with other readers.

Competitive Research.-

We started part of our process with empathy map, comparative and competitive analysis, identifying what is the business and user goals through MoScow method.


We conduct our research via research surveys, interviews, screener surveys and after that, we created our primary and secondary personas.


For our data analysis we used the affinity mapping technique:


We clustered key points for each respondent and placed the according to one color. So that each color stands for each participant.


We grouped these key point according to similar traits and behaviors and re-grouped points according to pleasures and pain points.   

User Flow.-

To discover our perfect user scenarios, we try to interpret what the users want and needs. And which one if the principal objective our clients.


After going through the interviews, we began to sort them accordingly to the four-step guide which is pain, pleasure, context, and behavior and started to piece the puzzle together. From the various groupings, we started to create two distinct personas, primary and secondary personas.


We thought out several scenarios that best suited our personas and narrowed down to one scenario for each of them. In base our personas what kind of frustrations and goals they have, we started to build the user flow.



The design process started with the first idea of how will looks at the app. In this design process, we conduct 3 iterations, Low, Mid and Hi-fidelity wireframes. For Low fidelity, we used Marvel prototype to our first iteration, second and third iteration we used Invision App.

Paper Prototype
Digital Prototype

We created a full mockup, applying the Kindle color palette and following the brand guideline. 


This was a short time projects but very beneficial in my  UX learning process. These experience working in a team allowed us to better know each other, strong organizational lead is very important. 


Collaboration is a key to having a successful final product. Design for the users are to understands what they want and what things make happy them. 


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